Herbalism and Decolonization with Taylor Jackson

Taylor Jackson's workshop will focus on the everyday uses of kitchen herbs and connecting it to historical uses for African Americans. We will also explore the ways in which everyday practices are connected to decolonization. Join us as we welcome former UCSB Student, Taylor Jackson, to give LIVE and LIVES first ever workshop! Taylor is…

Black Womanist Theory, Method, and Praxis for Revolutionary-Revelation Writing with Dr. Menah Pratt-Clarke

This presentation offers a new conceptual tool for Black women’s revolutionary-revelation writing. Integrating theory, method, and praxis, and drawing from Black feminist thought, Black girlhood studies, critical race feminism, womanist theology, the wild woman archetype, and autoethnography, this tool facilitates the unearthing and excavation of Black girl and Black women’s personal and private life writings into…

Beyond Perpetrators: Black Men Against Sexual Violence and the Genealogy of Prison Abolition with Dr. Terrance Wooten

"In September 1973, William Fuller and Larry Cannon founded Prisoners Against Rape, an organization comprised of individuals who committed rape, feminist anti-sexual violence workers and organizations, and individuals invested in combating rape and rape culture. As Black men, both in their twenties and both perpetrators of sexual violence serving time in Lorton Reformatory, they knew…

#CryptoCrochet: A Tactile Introduction to Mathematics and Computing with Dr. Bryant York & Dr. Portia York

"Black girls and women are currently underrepresented in mathematics and the computing disciplines. In this work we explore a novel approach to the development in middle school Black girls of abstractions required for higher level mathematics and science exploration through the practice of crochet. We use the term abstraction to describe the generalization of a…